Video Topic: Child Custody Law
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More Child Custody Law Videos
- Will a court look negatively on my smoking around my child?
- Who determines how much visitation is reasonable and fair?
- What is the difference between custodial parent and non-custodial parent?
- What is supervised visitation in New York?
- What is child visitation and a parenting plan?
- What is a visitation exchange?
- What is a shared custody arrangement in New York and how does it work?
- What is a fixed visitation schedule?
- What if the custodial parent wants to move away from the non-custodial parent?
- What if the child’s best interest does not coincide with the parents’ personal desires?
- What if both parents agree on child custody and visitation in New York?
- What if a noncustodial parent ignores or forgets about the summons and complaint?
- What happens when the noncustodial parent has money to pay child support but still will not pay?
- What happens in a New York custody dispute where one parent is mentally ill?
- What happens in New York when visitation rights are frustrated?
- What happens if the non-custodial parent refuses to return the child to the parent with custody?
- What factors go into determining custody and visitation in New York?
- What does reasonable visitation mean?
- What are some common arrangements for child visitation in New York?
- My son is going through a divorce. I am afraid that his wife will exclude us from seeing our grandchild. Can she do this?
- My ex-spouse was physically abusive to me and the children. How can abuse be prevented during visits with the children?
- My ex-spouse has remarried and has another family to support. How does this affect the support owed to our children?
- Is race ever an issue in custody or visitation decisions in New York?
- Is homosexuality an important factor in determining custody?
- If the other parent will not allow me to see my children, do I have to pay support in New YorkNew York?
- If I sign over your parental rights to a child, do I still have to pay child support in New York?
- If I am going to leave my marriage and file for divorce, should I leave the kids with my spouse until I am settled elsewhere?
- If child support is not paid, must visitation be allowed in New York?
- I am a noncustodial parent, but my child lives with me now. Can I change the child support order?
- How will the New York court determine where my children should reside after the divorce?
- How is the amount of child support determined in New York?
- How does joint custody work in New York?
- How do I exercise my visitation rights in New York, if the non-custodial parent is denying me access to my child?
- Does religion enter into the determination of child custody in New York?
- Does joint custody affect child support in New York?
- Does custody always go to just one parent in New York?
- Does an extramarital affair have an impact on child custody in New York?
- Does a spouse’s infidelity have any bearing upon custody determinations in New York?
- Does a court have to decide our visitation schedule, or can the other parent and I make the schedule ourselves?
- Can visitation in New York be denied to a non-custodial parent?
- Can nonbiological parents be awarded custody?
- Can I move my kids out of state and then get a divorce?
- Can I get joint custody if I am not paid up on child support in New York?
- Can expert witnesses be used in custody battles?
- Can custody rights be modified in New York?
- Can an unmarried girl get sole custody of her child in New York?
- Are there special issues if a gay or lesbian parent is seeking custody or visitation rights?
- Are there juries in New York child custody cases?
- Are New York courts more likely to award custody to mothers than to fathers?
- Are New York courts reluctant to grant sole custody to fathers?